Testimonials from families like yours.
"The education my son is getting is just unbelievable. He is so far ahead compared to his peers from other schools. He IS loved and learning about God. All children need this right now. The staff truly loves all of our children. THEY REALLY CARE. That is hard to come by. I also love that we are able to be involved as parents. I get to know the staff and students. I have seen firsthand the wonderful things TCS is teaching our children."
- Karen Kapsch, Parent
"The amount of growth, support and confidence our girls have received in less than a year is unexplainable. It has also made our family stronger. In a world that is so unpredictable and scary for all of us, our girls feel loved, supported and confident. This was the best leap of faith we have made as a family."
- Robert and Melissa Giannasi, Parents
"Academically, TCS prepared me 110% and I was easily ready for the challenges of high school. Because TCS pushed me to do my best in everything I do and stay organized, it was instinct by the time I got to Minooka and it was easy to stay on top of challenges."
- Taylor Mackin '20
"I am thankful for TCS because I know that I’m very fortunate to be going to a nice, safe Christian school where I get to learn about God every day. The teachers at TCS really motivate us to participate in everyday activities and encourage us to want to learn more and more. The teachers and staff make learning a fun experience and like to reward us if we do well in classes or on a test. I’m very thankful to be attending Trinity Christian School."
- Makayla Baier ‘22
"I am so grateful for the strong foundation that I was able to build at TCS. Not only was I well prepared for the academic challenges of high school, and then college classes; I also gained a fundamental understanding of who Jesus is, how much he loves me, and the importance of a personal relationship with God. As I have continued to grow in my faith, face new challenges, and even make mistakes, this foundation has kept my focus on God and His kingdom.”
- Lily Benig ‘11, National Merit Scholar and Valedictorian Minooka Community High School ‘15, University of Illinois - College of Engineering ‘19
"I am so thankful for Trinity Christian School! I have been teaching at TCS for 13 years in the Middle School, and I just love it! Our children attended Trinity as well. The administration, teachers, staff, families, and students make TCS an extremely special place. I am deeply thankful that I can teach about the Lord, and that we have that freedom to do so!"
-Mrs. Gill, Middle School Teacher
"We are thrilled with the quality of students that come to Joliet Catholic Academy (JCA) from Trinity Christian School. They are not only excellent academically, but of excellent character as well. TCS students perform exceptionally well on the JCA entrance exam and throughout their four years.”
- Ryan Quigley, Director of Admissions and Communications, Joliet Catholic Academy
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